Set 2016

The ICCG Video Lecture Series dedicated to Water and Climate Change takes interested students on a journey with video presentations of complex themes made easy for all to understand, and more in-depth information for those interested in exploring the topic further. ICCG Video Lecture Series on Water and Climate Change addresses this complex issue from a number of different perspectives, one per lesson. The overall course will explain how this crucial resource can shape the present and future of Food, Energy, Health, Migration, Development and Biodiversity.

Videos by Jacopo Crimi; illustrations by Delfina De Lillo.


This video lecture explains why water, food production and energy are inextricably linked and can not be treated separately in the process of policy-making. It takes as example the Aral Sea Basin and it shows the conseguences of policies in upstream and downstream areas.

The lecture is given by Jippe Hoogeveen, FAO.

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